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- SECTION 07242
- NOTE ** This section is based on the Infinity7 System
- manufactured by Dryvit7 Systems, Inc., at the
- following address:
- NOTE ** One Energy Way
- NOTE ** P.O. Box 1014
- NOTE ** West Warwick RI 02893
- NOTE ** Tel: (800) 556-7752 and (401) 822-4100
- NOTE **
- Copyright 1998, The Architect's Catalog, Inc.
- A. Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) configured
- in a cavity wall design capable of providing pressure
- equalization and moisture drainage technology.
- NOTE ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this
- project; add others as required.
- A. Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete.
- B. Section 04810 - Unit Masonry Assemblies.
- C. Section 05400 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing.
- D. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry.
- E. Section 06115 - Sheathing.
- F. Section 07210 - Building Insulation.
- G. Section 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal.
- H. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers.
- A. ASCE 7 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
- Structures; American Society of Civil Engineers.
- B. ASTM C 67 - Standard Test Methods of Sampling and Testing
- Brick and Structural Clay Tile.
- C. ASTM C 150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement.
- D. ASTM C 297 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Bond
- Strength of Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise
- Plane.
- E. ASTM C 794 - Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of
- Elastomeric Joint Sealants
- F. ASTM C 1063 - Specification for Installation of Lathing
- and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland
- Cement-Based Plaster.
- G. ASTM C 1135 - Test Method for Determining Tensile
- Adhesion Properties of Structural Sealants.
- H. ASTM C 1177 - Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum
- Board Substrate for Use as Sheathing.
- I. ASTM D 1784 - Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl
- Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl
- Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds.
- J. ASTM D 2247 - Standard Practice for Testing Water
- Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity.
- K. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning
- Characteristics of Building Materials.
- L. ASTM E 108 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof
- Coverings.
- M. ASTM E 119 - Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building
- Construction and Materials.
- N. ASTM E 283 - Standard Test Method for Determining the
- Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain
- Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences
- Across the Specimen.
- O. ASTM E 330 - Standard Test Method for Structural
- Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors
- By Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
- P. ASTM E 331 - Standard Test Method for Water Penetration
- of Exterior Windows, Curtain Wall, and Doors by Uniform
- Static Air Pressure Difference.
- Q. ASTM G 23 - Standard Practice for Operating Light-
- Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) With and Without
- Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.
- R. EIMA 101.86 - Standard Test Method for Resistance of
- Exterior Insulation Finish Systems to the Effects of
- Rapid Deformation (Impact); EIFS Industry Members
- Association.
- A. Substrate: Comply with the following:
- 1. Maximum deflection: 1/240 of span, under full
- flexural design loads.
- 2. Flatness: Flat within 1/4 inch, measured from any
- point within a 4 foot radius.
- 3. Material: Dens-Glass Gold, meeting requirements of
- ASTM C 1177 at time of EIFS application.
- B. Details:
- 1. Edges: Encapsulate insulation board edges in
- reinforced base coat at all system terminations.
- 2. Slopes: 6 inches in 12 inches minimum slope; 12
- inches maximum length of sloped area.
- 3. Roofs: System shall not be used for areas defined as
- roofs by applicable building code.
- NOTE ** The following paragraph applies only to pressure
- equalized system. Retain if contractor is to
- provide compartment design for Architect's
- approval. If compartment design is to be
- responsibility of Architect or Architect's
- consultant, delete the following paragraph
- altogether.
- C. Compartmentalization:
- 1. Divide building into compartments, or location zones,
- which approximate areas of differing wind pressures.
- Compartment boundaries shall coincide with the
- location zones as defined by ASCE 7-95 or wind tunnel
- studies.
- 2. Vertical Elevations: Divide with horizontal
- separation at intervals not in excess of 30 feet.
- NOTE ** The following paragraph applies only to pressure
- equalized system. Retain if contractor is to
- provide venting design for Architect's approval.
- If venting design is to be responsibility of
- Architect or Architect's consultant, delete the
- following paragraph altogether.
- D. Venting: Provide minimum 2.25 square inches of vent area
- for every 300 square feet of wall area, employing Dryvit
- Vent Assembly exclusively.
- E. Terminations:
- 1. Hold system back from adjoining materials 3/4 inch
- (19 mm) minimum for sealant application. See
- Dryvit's Infinity Installation Details, DS120.
- 2. Terminate Infinity 8 inches (200 mm) minimum above
- finished grade.
- 3. Cover Infinity terminations along tops of parapet
- walls with a continuous metal coping.
- A. Comply with the following for durability and structural
- performance of completed system:
- 1. Wind Load: 100 psf minimum, per ASTM E 330.
- 2. Water Penetration: No penetration per ASTM E 331.
- 3. Water Resistance: Passes, per ASTM D 2247.
- 4. Dynamic Pressure Equalization: At 750 Pa, K = 0.99;
- phi = 3.7 degrees; per National Research Council of
- Canada.
- 5. Impact: I.S. Reinforcing Mesh 25-49 inch-lbs.,
- Panzer7 20 with I.S. Reinforcing Mesh greater than
- 350 inch-lbs, per EIMA 101.86.
- 6. Absorption/Freeze/Thaw: Passes ICBO Procedure, 10
- cycles.
- 7. Accelerated Weathering: Passes after 2,000 hours,
- per ASTM G 23.
- 8. Absorption Freeze/Thaw: Passes after 60 cycles, per
- ASTM C 67.
- 9. Tensile Bond: Passed ICBO procedure; passed
- accelerated weathering, per ASTM C 297.
- 10. Air Leakage: Less than 0.001 CFM/sq. ft. (0.3
- L/min/sq. m), per ASTM E 283.
- 11. Moisture Drainage Efficiency: Minimum 95 percent,
- per ASTM E 331 (modified).
- 12. Transverse Load Test: Negative 100 psf (4.8 kPa)
- minimum, par ASTM E 330.
- B. Comply with the following for fire performance of
- completed system:
- 1. Fire Testing: No propagation, per ASTM E 108.
- 2. Multi-Story Test: Passed UBC 26-9 ISMA Multi-Story
- Test.
- 3. Full Scale Test: Passed ASTM E 108 (Modified).
- 4. Rated Wall Test: Passed ASTM E 119 (one hour).
- 5. BOCA Radiant Heat Ignitability Test: Passed.
- 6. Surface Burning, Insulation Board: Flame spread less
- than 25, smoke developed less than 450, per
- ASTM E 84.
- 7. Surface Burning, Infinitex Finish: Flame spread 10,
- smoke developed 5, per ASTM E 84.
- 8. Surface Burning, Dryshield ABA: Flame spread 5,
- smoke developed 0, per ASTM E 84.
- 9. Surface Burning, I.S. Base: Flame spread 3, smoke
- developed 0, per ASTM E 84.
- 10. Surface Burning, Stone Mist: Flame spread 10, smoke
- developed 30, per ASTM E 84.
- C. Comply with the following for sealant testing:
- 1. Adhesion In Peel: 5 lbs/inch (89 kg/m) minimum, per
- ASTM C 794.
- 2. Tensile Bond at 50 Percent Elongation, per
- ASTM C 1135 (modified):
- a. Dry: 20 psi (138 kPa).
- b. 1 and 7 Day Immersion: 15 psi (104 kPa).
- c. Frozen: 20 psi (138 kPa).
- 3. Modulus of Elasticity at 50 Percent Elongation, per
- ASTM C 1135 (modified):
- a. At Minus 40 Degrees F. (Minus 40 Degrees C): 35
- psi (241 kPa).
- b. At 180 Degrees F. (82.3 Degrees C): 20 psi (138
- kPa).
- A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300.
- B. Product Data: Manufacturer's descriptive literature for
- each specified product, including complete installation
- instructions.
- NOTE ** Retain the following only for pressure equalized
- system, and only if Contractor is to provide layout
- of Infinity.
- C. Shop Drawings: Include layout of compartment and venting
- systems, layout of expansion joints, and typical details.
- D. Quality Assurance Submittals:
- 1. Submit results of full scale air leakage test
- performed in accordance with ASTM E 283 and conducted
- by a recognized independent testing laboratory.
- 2. Submit results of dynamic pressure equalization
- evaluation conducted in accordance with procedures
- developed by the National Research Council of Canada,
- Institute for Research in Construction by a
- recognized independent testing laboratory.
- 3. Submit full scale ISMA Multi-Story Fire Test in
- accordance with UBC 26-9 procedure.
- 4. Material shall be manufactured at a facility covered
- by a current ISO 9001 certification.
- E. Closeout Submittals: Warranty documents, issued and
- executed by manufacturer of EIFS materials and installer.
- A. Qualifications:
- 1. Manufacturer of EIFS Materials: Minimum five (5)
- years documented experience producing EIFS materials
- specified in this section, sponsor of applicator
- certification program, and sponsor of certification
- and quality assurance program for manufacturers of
- materials for EIFS installations not produced by EIFS
- materials manufacturer.
- 2. Manufacturer of Insulation Materials: Manufacturer
- having insulating board product listed as meeting
- EIFS materials manufacturer's insulation board
- specification, and as participant in EIFS
- manufacturer's third-party certification and quality
- assurance program.
- 3. Installer: Listed by manufacturer of EIFS materials
- as a trained contractor and currently certified for
- installation of the Infinity system.
- B. Mock-Ups:
- 1. Construct mock-up of size indicated on drawings;
- locate on project site as directed by Architect.
- 2. Prepare substrate and apply finish as specified in
- this section.
- 3. Maintain mock-up at project site until Architect
- directs its removal.
- C. Pre-Installation Meeting: Conduct pre-installation
- meeting at project site not less than one week before
- beginning work of this section, to review contract
- documents. Require attendance by representatives of
- Owner, Architect, Contractor, independent inspection
- agency, manufacturers of major systems, and installers of
- EIFS and joint sealers.
- A. Packing, Shipping, Handling and Unloading: Deliver
- products to project site in manufacturer's labeled and
- sealed packaging.
- B. Acceptance at Site: Accept only products in sealed in
- unopened manufacturer's packaging with labels intact.
- C. Storage and Protection:
- 1. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging
- until installation.
- 2. Maintain dry storage area at minimum 40 degrees F for
- products until removal for installation.
- 3. Take precautions to avoid condensation and excessive
- heat build-up when using tarpaulins or plastic sheet
- coverings.
- A. Environmental Requirements:
- 1. Applying products of this section during periods of
- inclement weather is prohibited, except where
- surfaces to receive products are protected from
- weather during application and until applied products
- are cured.
- 2. Apply products of this section only at minimum
- ambient temperature of 40 degrees F and when minimum
- ambient temperature will remain minimum 40 degrees F
- for following 24 hour period.
- B. Sequencing and Scheduling:
- 1. Coordinate installation of work of this section with
- other work.
- 2. Employ sufficient equipment and personnel to ensure a
- continuous operation and an installation free of cold
- joints, scaffold lines, texture variations, and other
- irregularities.
- A. Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer's performance
- warranty against water intrusion through the system and
- into wall cavity, as follows:
- 1. Pressure Equalized System: 12 years.
- 2. Non-Compartmentalized System: 10 years.
- B. Installer's Warranty: Written limited 5-year labor
- warranty.
- A. Acceptable EIFS System Manufacturer: Dryvit Systems,
- Inc.; One Energy Way, P.O. Box 1014, West Warwick RI
- 02893; ASD. Tel: (800) 556-7752 and (401) 822-4100.
- B. Acceptable Substrate Manufacturer: Georgia Pacific
- Corporation.
- C. Acceptable Joint Sealer Manufacturer: Dow Corning Corp.
- NOTE ** Delete one of the two paragraphs below; coordinate
- with Division 1 requirements.
- D. Requests for substitutions will be considered in
- accordance with provisions of Section 01600.
- E. Substitutions: Not permitted.
- A. Substrate: Silicone treated gypsum core board, surfaced
- with inorganic glass mats and a gold color, alkali-
- resistant coating; thickness of 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch, as
- indicated; type X fire-resistant.
- 1. Provide Dens-Glass Gold by Georgia-Pacific
- Corporation.
- B. Air Barrier Components:
- 1. Polymer: High performance polymer based blend
- material.
- a. Provide DryShield ABA by Dryvit Systems, Inc.
- 2. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, I-II, or II,
- white or gray in color, fresh and free of lumps.
- 3. Grid Tape: Open weave pressure sensitive fiberglass
- mesh available in rolls 4 inches wide by 100 yards
- long.
- a. Provide Dryvit Grid Tape.
- 4. Flashing Tape: High density polyethylene film backed
- with a rubberized asphalt adhesive available in rolls
- 4 inches and 6 inches wide by 100 feet long.
- a. Provide Dryvit Flashing Tape.
- C. Adhesive Material:
- 1. Polymer: High performance polymer based blend
- material.
- a. Provide DryShield ABA by Dryvit Systems, Inc.
- 2. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, I-II, or II,
- white or gray in color, fresh and free of lumps.
- D. I.S. Insulation Board: Aged, expanded polystyrene with a
- nominal density of 1.0 lb per cubic foot, and meeting
- current published specifications of Dryvit's Publication
- DS131.
- 1. Minimum density for every board supplied for the work
- shall be 0.95 pcf, not as an average.
- 2. Dimensions: 2 ft by 4 ft maximum, with minimum
- thickness of 2 inches. Provide 45 degree factory cut
- bevels at perimeter, as indicated in Infinity
- Installation Details DS120.
- 3. Back Surface: Factory cut vertical grooves running
- the width of the board and measuring 1/4 inch deep by
- 1 inch wide, positioned 12 inches on center.
- E. I.S. Insulation Board Closure Blocks: Aged, expanded
- polystyrene with a nominal density of 1.0 lb per cubic
- foot, and meeting current published specifications of
- Dryvit's Publication DS131.
- 1. Minimum density for every board supplied for the work
- shall be 0.95 pcf, not as an average.
- 2. Dimensions: Minimum 6 inches wide.
- F. Dryvit Starter Strip: Expanded polystyrene configured to
- receive Dryvit Vent Track and Dryvit Track.
- 1. Dimensions: 2 inches by 6 inches by 48 inches.
- 2. Locations: Base of all walls, base of horizontal
- compartments, head of windows, and other openings.
- G. Dryvit Vent Assembly: Expanded polystyrene configured to
- contain Dryvit Vent Material and receive Dryvit Vent
- Track.
- 1. Locations: Base of all walls and base of horizontal
- compartments.
- 2. Vent Material: Formed aggregate matrix capable of
- draining water; 2 inches by 6 inches by 10 inches.
- H. Dryvit Vent Track: J-shaped track complying with
- ASTM D 1784 and ASTM C 1063 and containing a slot for
- venting and drainage.
- 1. Locations: Base of all walls and base of horizontal
- compartments.
- I. Dryvit Track: Solid, J-shaped track complying with
- ASTM D 1784 and ASTM C 1063.
- 1. Locations: Above Dryvit Starter Strip.
- J. Reinforcing Mesh:
- 1. I.S. Reinforcing MeshJ:
- a. Minimum weight: 5 oz per sq. yard.
- b. Minimum tensile strength: 225 pounds/inch.
- 2. Panzer 20 Mesh:
- a. Minimum weight: 20 oz per sq. yard.
- b. Minimum tensile strength: 550 pounds/inch.
- 3. Corner Mesh:
- a. Minimum weight: 7.2 oz per sq. yard.
- b. Minimum tensile strength: 274 pounds/inch.
- 4. Detail(R) Mesh:
- a. Minimum weight: 4.3 oz per sq. yard.
- b. Minimum tensile strength: 150 pounds/inch.
- K. I.S. Base Material:
- 1. Acrylic base material.
- 2. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, I-II, or II,
- white or gray in color, fresh and free of lumps.
- L. Finish Material:
- 1. Elastomeric finish with quartz aggregate, mildewcide
- chemistry, and dirt resistant technology:
- a. Coarse Texture: Infinitex QP.
- b. Rough Pebble Texture: Infinitex SP.
- c. Fine Pebble-Like Texture: Infinitex SPF.
- d. Smooth Texture: Infinitex ADB.
- 2. Specialty finish:
- a. Blend of natural aggregates varying in size and
- color.
- 1) Ameristone, multi-colored flamed granite
- appearance.
- 2) Stone Mist, ceramically-colored quartz
- aggregate.
- M. Primer: A water-based, pigmented acrylic primer.
- 1. Provide Color Prime.
- N. Coatings:
- 1. Non-textured, water based acrylic coating: Demandit
- PMR.
- O. Joint Sealer Materials:
- 1. Primer: Dow 1200 Primer.
- 2. Ultra-Low-Modulus Silicone Sealant: Dow Corning 790.
- 3. Medium Modulus Sealant: Dow Corning 791 or 795.
- a. Application: Sealing between EIFS and aluminum
- frames only.
- P. Water: Clean and potable.
- 2.3 MIXES
- A. Air Barrier: Mix DryShield ABA one-to-one by weight with
- Portland cement.
- B. Adhesive Material: Mix DryShield ABA one-to-one by
- weight with Portland cement.
- C. Base Material: Mix I.S. Base two-to-one by weight with
- Portland cement.
- 2.4 MIXING
- A. Perform all mixing with a clean mixer equivalent to
- Goldblatt Jiffler Mixer No. 15311H7, powered by a 1/2
- inch drill or equivalent, at 400-500 rpm.
- A. Verification of Conditions:
- 1. Substrates are in proper condition to receive
- Infinity.
- NOTE ** Ensure that expansion joints are located and
- detailed on drawings; consult manufacturer's
- product data for recommended types and spacings.
- NOTE **
- NOTE ** Dryvit Systems, Inc. recommends a minimum 3/4 inch
- wide joint; design and location is the
- responsibility of the designer. Continuous
- expansion joints for the Infinity system shall be
- installed but not limited to the following
- locations:
- NOTE ** 1. Where expansion joints occur in the substrate.
- NOTE ** 2. Where building expansion joints occur.
- NOTE ** 3. When Infinity abuts a dissimilar material.
- NOTE ** 4. At floor lines in wood frame construction.
- NOTE ** 5. Where substrate materials change.
- NOTE ** 6. At changes in roof line, building shape, or
- structural system.
- NOTE ** 7. At a maximum of 75 feet in long, continuous
- elevations.
- 2. Expansion joints are located and sized as indicated
- on drawings.
- 3. Products indicated to be installed in surfaces to
- receive Infinity are installed in correct locations.
- B. Installer's Examination:
- 1. Have installer of this section examine conditions
- under which construction activities of this section
- are to be performed, then submit written notification
- if such conditions are unacceptable.
- 2. Transmit two copies of installer's report to
- Architect within 24 hours of receipt.
- 3. Beginning construction activities of this section
- before unacceptable conditions have been corrected is
- prohibited.
- 4. Beginning construction activities of this section
- indicates installer's acceptance of conditions.
- A. Protection: Mask surfaces of adjacent materials to
- prevent damage to finishes.
- B. Surface Preparation: Prepare surfaces to receive
- Infinity in accordance with manufacturer's printed
- installation instructions.
- A. Comply with manufacturer's latest printed instructions
- for installation of each system component.
- B. Substrate: Install in accordance with Georgia-Pacific
- Bulletin No. 94-2; Dens-Glass Gold Application Procedures
- for Dryvit Infinity Series.
- 1. Examine installed substrate to verify that it meets
- specified performance criteria and is clean, dry,
- free of grease, oil, paint, and other foreign
- materials.
- 2. Replace any areas of substrate not in compliance with
- specified requirements or where gaps or damage to
- surface exceed 3/8 inch in any direction.
- C. Air Barrier:
- 1. Install pressure sensitive grid tape at all vertical
- and horizontal joints, exposed edges at terminations,
- and inside and outside corners of substrate.
- 2. Apply Dryshield ABA mixture to substrate, including
- exposed edges, prior to installing I.S. insulation
- board.
- 3. Cover all expansion joints with flashing tape.
- D. Accessories:
- 1. Install Dryvit Starter Strip, Dryvit Vent Assembly,
- and Dryvit Vent Track at the base of walls and the
- base of horizontal compartments, in compliance with
- manufacturer's typical details and printed
- instructions.
- 2. Install I.S. Insulation Board Closure Blocks around
- the perimeter of all openings and to close off
- vertical compartments where indicated.
- E. I.S. Insulation Board:
- 1. Apply insulation board to completed air barrier in
- running bond pattern starting from base of wall, with
- long edges oriented horizontally.
- a. Begin in field of wall and work outward to
- corners, ensuring alignment of vertical drainage
- grooves.
- b. Offset joints in insulation board from joints in
- substrate by a minimum of 8 inches.
- 2. Install I.S. Insulation Board Closure Blocks at
- corners in staggered and interlocked pattern, field
- cutting adjacent I.S. insulation board as necessary
- to achieve proper fit.
- 3. Precut insulation board to fit openings, corners, or
- projections. Do not allow board edges to align with
- corners of wall openings.
- F. Base and Finish Coat Application: Comply with
- manufacturer's detailed installation instructions.
- 1. Install double layer of reinforcing mesh at ground
- floor and high traffic areas, as indicated on
- drawings. In these areas, use mesh types specified
- but not less than base layer of Panzer 15 and top
- layer of I.S. Reinforcing Mesh.
- 2. Reinforce corners by double wrapping reinforcing mesh
- or by using corner mesh.
- 3. Reinforce corners of openings using strips of Detail
- Reinforcing Mesh laid at a 45 degree angle.
- 4. Cover terminations of Infinity System with continuous
- metal coping, as shown in manufacturer's standard
- details.
- G. Joint Sealers: Install sealants in accordance with Dow
- Corning Procedures for the installation of Dow Corning
- Silicone Building Sealants with Dryvit Infinity System.
- A. Protect finishes from damage by subsequent construction
- activities until Date of Substantial Completion.
- B. Repair finishes damaged by subsequent construction
- activities in accordance with manufacturer's printed
- installation instructions; replace finish to extent of
- nearest adjacent termination each way at areas where
- repair to finish is judged unacceptable.
- C. Architect will be sole judge of acceptability of repaired
- finishes.
- NOTE ** Complete the following suggested schedule if more
- than one finish or color is required for project;
- delete Article if not required.
- A. Location: _______________.
- 1. Texture: ____________.
- 2. Color: ______________.